Saturday, May 26, 2012


Last night, I had what can only been considered a nervous-breakdown.  My brother-in-law is having a cook-off/bake-off at his work this morning.  After much coaxing and a little frustration my husband (love you, babe!) decided that he was going to enter the cook-off.  So, since he did that, I decided that I would enter the bake-off.  The only problem is: I had to work this morning! Boo on that! So, my husband was going to have to take my baked goods to the judges for me.  After  I got off work last night, we went to the store and bought supplies for him for the cook-off and then bought supplies for me.  We didn't get home until 8:00pm and I still didn't have anything baked yet.  At about 10:30, I'm not even done decorating and I more or less just crumble.  I'm exhausted, I'm irritated, I'm hot, and I just want a shower.  My husband and I get into, shall we say, SPAT.  He's mad, I'm mad.  I feel like he should know everything going through my head without me even saying so and that he should just KNOW my moods.  That's not to much to ask...right?  (Love: if you're reading this, I am so very sorry...again).  All this to say, I finally got to bed at 1:15am.  Took me about 15 minutes to get to sleep b/c my feet were hurting so bad, but my cupcakes turned out good.  I'm actually pretty proud of them.  I made some more high heel cupcakes.  Have a happy Saturday! (by the husband won the cook-off! Holla! I, however, did not win the bake-off.  What's up with that?? Some lady that made a pecan pie did.  Who likes pecan pie?)

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