Monday, June 25, 2012

The Perfect "Pear"

Over the weekend, I made a Wedding Shower cake for our youth pastor at our church and his new bride (she's so sweet).  The theme was everything pear b/c John and Shauna are the perfect "pear."  This beast of a cake had to weigh no little than 35 pounds and had 4 layers of yummy goodness.  The layers were separated by a Nutella icing which was a bigger hit than I was hontestly expecting!  So, cuddos on that!  Also, that green stuff is my first attempt at homemade fondant!  Took
me and my husband 2 HOURS to perfect!  All it is, is melted marshmallows and enough powered sugar in it to where it's no longer sticky and makes a "dough-like" blob.  Mix in some green and yellow food coloring and you've got yourself the color of a pear!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Plexus-Slim Party!

Yesterday I got the pleasure of making a cake for 2 special ladies.  They recently became Emerald Ambassadors!  Not even sure what all this entails, but I do know you get a cake for doing it!  So...Good job Joy and Rachel! Way to Go!

Monday, June 11, 2012


Ok, it's project time!  My fancy cake stand broke during our moving from one house to the other...the one I had gotten for my wedding and when I looked at the glass, I noticed that it was very thin and that it was really only a matter of time before it broke.  So, I got on Pinterest and found some cute cake stands that you can make out of household items!  This sparked my interest.  So, I got to work.  What you need is an old plate and an old glass (I went to our local Goodwill/second hand store and bought 3 of each), and any color spray paint that strikes your fancy.  Lay out some newspaper to protect your surfaces and start spraying! Spray on a few coats just to give it that solid color.  Next glue the glass onto the bottom of the plate and voila! A cake stand!  Reviews I've read said not to use super glue, Gorilla glue, or hot glue.  I used this stuff called "Instant Krazy glue--ADVANCED" and it seems to work perfectly.  Now, these stands are NOT food safe, so please use a doily or cupcake liners when using them. 

(P.S. I was just told-and just in time, too-to glue the glass to the plate before you spray the underside of the plate b/c the paint acts as a barrier and if you spray it first and then glue it, the glass could pop right off)

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


I  just discovered the Instagram App on my phone and have been having so much fun taking pictures of my desserts!  Those cookies, it makes me think that I can reach into the computer and actually touch one of those things (I can't, I tried). These desserts I made are for Sunday morning for our coffee shop that we have at our church.  We sell them and the proceeds go to Missions.  We are a very missions-oriented church and we are pretty excited about it!  The coffee is delicious and the atmosphere is contagious!


Just got a phone call from a good friend of mine, wanting to order some cupcakes for her daughter's 5th birthday party for this Sunday!  So excited!  I had shown her some pictures of things I had done in the past, and she wants me to make 3 dozen tye-dye cupcakes!  That's the most I've ever done for someone before but, I can do it!  Pretty excited about it! Here's a pic of them!

Happy Birthday A.D.!