Monday, June 11, 2012


Ok, it's project time!  My fancy cake stand broke during our moving from one house to the other...the one I had gotten for my wedding and when I looked at the glass, I noticed that it was very thin and that it was really only a matter of time before it broke.  So, I got on Pinterest and found some cute cake stands that you can make out of household items!  This sparked my interest.  So, I got to work.  What you need is an old plate and an old glass (I went to our local Goodwill/second hand store and bought 3 of each), and any color spray paint that strikes your fancy.  Lay out some newspaper to protect your surfaces and start spraying! Spray on a few coats just to give it that solid color.  Next glue the glass onto the bottom of the plate and voila! A cake stand!  Reviews I've read said not to use super glue, Gorilla glue, or hot glue.  I used this stuff called "Instant Krazy glue--ADVANCED" and it seems to work perfectly.  Now, these stands are NOT food safe, so please use a doily or cupcake liners when using them. 

(P.S. I was just told-and just in time, too-to glue the glass to the plate before you spray the underside of the plate b/c the paint acts as a barrier and if you spray it first and then glue it, the glass could pop right off)

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